The Music of Suffering

1 min readMar 28, 2022

I tell myself I’m fine

When I can’t breathe in the air

In an unfamiliar place

My lungs collapsing with

The weight of life.

I tell myself I’m smart,

When I do something wrong, and

Mess up my life

With the migration of my tongue around

A word I know too well.

I tell myself I’m well

When I cry myself to sleep

Wondering whether the day

that’s approaching will

transpose my sadness to joy

I tell myself I can

When I know full well

That I am not adept

Enough to deal with

The rocky road I will lead

I tell myself I’m worthy

When everyone whispers

Imposter at my every move,

and the person I was

kicks me down

Does it matter now

That I had once

Danced among the stars

And drank from the darkness

That surrounds them

That blissful sting that

Shrouds them




Uni Student - Broke, ADHD and a boatload of fun